
THE TAO OF IGOR: a new Dork Tower collection by John Kovalic

Created by Dork Storm Press

The Tao of Igor - a self-contained storyline - John Kovalic's first DORK TOWER collection in ten years! HUZZAH! IT MUST BE MINE!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 5 years ago – Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 12:46:19 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 01:15:45 AM

I hope this holiday period has brought you at least a little bit of rest and relaxation, with all the stress that can accompany it.

I'm finally feeling something akin to my normal self (insert "that's NORMAL?" joke here). The last eight weeks or so have been hellaciously - almost hilariously - hectic: four countries; three conventions; four transatlantic flights; three house guests; three giant Munchkin deadlines; the Kickstarter (THE KICKSTARTER!!!); a Guest Artist not delivering; getting Insane Charity Bike Ride swag out; signing thousands (literally) of items; and more. 

So it's pleasant to return to a comparatively reasonable schedule over the upcoming months. 

January will be very "Tao of Igor"-centric as I get the book ready for press. I've other business as well, not least of which is one more Munchkin deadline, as well as keeping the Dork Tower website fed with comics, and also looking for an agent who knows their way around graphic novels (wait WHAT?). 

But all in all, the foreseeable schedule's far more realistic than the last few months have been.

It's nice to know I can be incredibly, ridiculously productive when I absolutely must be, but I'd really rather not go through all of that again.

It couldn't be helped, but I'm glad it's over and done with.

I'll try and post weekly updates on the progress of "the Tao of Igor," as we get it all finished off. But in the meantime, Dork Tower's back to a regular schedule over at, thanks to the Dork Tower Patreon, and all the wonderful folk there.

This has been a reflective sort of holiday period for me. 

I hope it's been a great one for you.

Thank you SO much again for all the support you've shown Dork Tower.

Here's to am amazing 2019!

- John

Thankful Thanksgiving of Thanks! Also: Obligatory Black Friday Sale (but a good one)
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 07:32:27 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Tao of Igor...IN COLOR!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 05:43:41 AM

Hey, you!

Yes, YOU!


We did it! Together!

We're producing the first new Dork Tower collection in ten years!

Here's the thing - you were amazing. Just absolutely amazing. This went far further than I thought it would. It got SO CLOSE to unlocking the Color stretch goal, and, man, I never thought it would get that far.

So, five minutes before the end of the Kickstarter, I made a teeny tiny executive decision.

I changed the amount needed to unlock the last stretch goal, with seconds to spare:

I mean, in the end, you got to $44,313 - SO CLOSE to the final stretch goal, one I believed was utterly unobtainable.

You had my back, so I got yours!

The Tao of Igor...IN COLOR!

We're doing this!

- John

almost 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 07:27:09 PM

Here we go!  

Five hours left!  


Twelve stretch goals down, two to go!

I think/hope we’ll reach the Army of Dorkness buttons for everybody. The book in color? Still possible...crazier things have happened.  

What a ride this has been!

Thank you for your support of the Tao of Igor Kickstarter.  


I won’t post another update until after the Kickstarter has ended. But I have thoughts. I’m already taking the lessons learned – not to mention those I’ll undoubtedly be learning, in the upcoming months – to heart. I know what the next Kickstarter will be...but that's only once Tao has shipped.

For the moment, though: if you can help spread the word, during these last few hours, please do. Every little bit closer we can get to those last two stretch goals helps! And THE LAVA ROOM IS NEXT! 

This is exciting, and fun, and THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for supporting this, Dork Tower's very first Kickstarter!  



- John